Added value services


The IT service counter, everything you need to be on top.

Network and Security

All the technical, organizational, legal and human resources necessary for the implementation of means aimed at preventing unauthorized use, modification or hijacking of the information system.

Storage and Backup

A means of keeping and preserving data securely, today provided by an electronic or electromagnetic information medium, which, seen by the user, can be physical (hard disk, USB key, etc.) or virtual ( “Cloud” Internet.

Telephone and Call Centers

You manage a call or contact center and you need a simple, scalable and economical telephone solution.

Wiring and Data Center

Grouping together constituent equipment of the information system It provides IT services in a controlled and security environment with an emergency and redundant power supply.

Managed Services

The outsourcing of all or part of the management and operation of the IS to a third-party IT service provider (SSII). This service must be performed over time and not on an ad hoc basis.